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Derry Township
Municipal Authority
Of Westmoreland County

Derry Township Sewage Logo

Contact DTMA

General Authority Information Offices are located at:

5760 Route 982
New Derry, PA 15671
Westmoreland County
Telephone: 724-694-2513

See map

All requests for assistance must be directed to the Authority through the office at its general number.
DTMA has installed a no-contact walk up window for acceptance of payments during office hours Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Payments can be made by:
A drop box located at our building (please do not leave cash); USPS Mail, this website, S&T Banks Derry & Blairsville (near Walmart) and the Commercial Bank Lincoln Road drive thru.

We are experiencing high volumes of Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) within the collection system. Avoid pouring cooking residue and waste oil directly into the drain.

Mailing Address is:
P. O. Box 250
New Derry, PA 15671-0250

Authority Manager
Owen Meyer

Office Supervisor
Rose Polo

Please note: If you have water in the basement, you need to contact a plumber or other private contactor to remove it.
The Authority will investigate to insure that this is not the result of a problem or malfunction of its system.
We recommend that you check your clean-outs to insure that they are free flowing prior to contacting the Authority.

In Case of Emergency after hours please call:

If there is no answer, please leave a detailed message.